

Thanks! Scale Check In

Thank you all so much for your supportive comments on my last post.

My scale read 228 this morning so thats +1. Hey at least I lost that other 1lb. that I gained.

I do have a extremely supportive husband. Hes a keeper haha. Hes not only supportive of my weight loss journey he's supportive in this relationship period. My friends get tired of me raving sometimes because their boyfriends/husbands are asses.

Heres a recent example of how much he does for me

I have a newspaper route, I've had it for over 1 year. I'm an independent contractor and I work 7 days a week. I pick my own hours. I can come in anywhere from 2:30am - 4:30am and it takes me 2 hours to do my job (the pay and time with my family is totally worth it). It really breaks up my sleep though and 7 days a week wears on you sometimes.
Anyway, His hours have been cut short for the month of May (thank God they go back to normal in June) He works at night and he has been working from 10pm-2am. Well he's been getting off of work and then doing my route for me so I can get some sleep and have a break. Hes a wonderful man.

Thats another good thing about my job, anyone can do it for me as long as it gets done with minimal complaints. So I have a sub and when I want to go on vacation I just check with them and I can go!


Ramble Ramble Ramble...


Ok my garden! Yay! It still needs some work but heres the little flower garden I started. I have to gather up some more rocks to finish the border and I want to fill it in a little bit more with some more flowers and border the rocks with some small flowers. But here it is so far. You can click on the picture to see a HUGE blown up version of it for more detail.

Here is my next project in my yard. I need to rake out the dead grass and weed the I weed whacked. Then I need put a trellis against the house and dig a big hole for the Honeysuckle plant that I bought. Then in the rest of the space I have a lot of bulbs that I am going to plant. I need to get a move on becuase its getting late in the year for these bulbs.

Heres the Honeysuckle plant I bought at the Flea Market for $12. Yup $12 for that big plant. It was a kick ass find!

This is the garden in front of my daughter bedroom window. Theres a rose bush there that hasn't bloomed yet and you can see some of the bulbs I planted are starting to grow above the soil.

Thats it so far. My yard is huge HUGE. I'll take some more pictures next week of the projects that I have left. There is so many areas that need to be dealt with. I have all summer to do it. It is exciting that I am getting into working on my yard. I feel really accomplished and focused.



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Holly said...

Oh memories of a paper route!! My parents had one when I was in high school and I had my own for the summer. To this day, the smell of newspaper ink makes me feel ill (cuz I hated the paper route!!). Anyways, it does indeed sound like you have a wonderful husband. :)

Sunny said...

Well at least you went back down one pound! Keep up with your water..you'll drop the other one quickly I'm sure and be back on your way down the scale in no time! Have an awesome week!

Anonymous said...

Thanks. :) btw how do you get freebies, like do you search for them and stuff? they are really cool. I love samples

Anonymous said...

Great on the 1lb! Sounds like you're getting a good work out in the garden! Can't wait to see pix when you finish! Have a good week!

Anonymous said...

oooh what a great garden! One of these days I keep telling myself I'll plant something - but even my houseplants barely last.

You're hubby sounds terrfic. I have an anwesome hubby too!

Unknown said...

Your garden looks gorgeous. Don't worry because of the some extra kilos! I thing you a great person in real life

adipex said...

There should be more such helpful articles instead of many gory stories on the web!