

Weekend Challenge

Yes Yes Yes!

I breezed through my weekend challenge and did not cheat at all. I am very proud. I even had to resist a very big temptation. Saturday night was Fight Night and my husband has a bunch of guys over. Well they brought buffalo wings from the buffalo wing restaurant, French fries, and coleslaw (which I go weak for). I didn't eat a bite, and it smelled so good.

My mini goal of going to Curves on Saturday was not reached. : (
Thats ok. I am going to make it a goal again for this weekend, as well as keeping myself challenged and not cheating on the weekends. I did get to wash my car on Sunday. YaY! I am really anal when I wash my car and do a really good job. I calculated calories burned for an hour of car washing I burnt an estimated 438 calories for my weight. So I don't feel to bad about not going to Curves on Saturday.

Over the weekend I watched Blades of Glory, it was pretty funny. Tonight I am watching Disturbia and tomorrow I am watching Unaccompanied Minors.


Most people on diets weigh themselves once a week and they call it weigh in. I also weigh myself once a week on Tuesday, naked, but I don't like to call it a weigh in. I don't like it because it sounds like, to me anyway, that I am some kinda whale or elephant being weighed in before I am let into my cage. Don't as me why. So I am going to call it Scale Time or Check In from now on.

Food Tracking

Ok well I noticed that I did need to cut some carbs and watch my calories more, which I started doing right away after I noticed I was going over.

Oh, I found something real cool. I was looking for something to take with me when I go to work to keep a snack in. I needed something small because I only work for three hours on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. I just need something to carry a small snack in like apples or grapes, sliced fruit. So I found this....

It's so cute, has a clip, and an ice pack. Ummm perfect. Cheap to it was only $5.50
Great deal. If you want one you can get it at Green Feet. I picked the Princess one and bought one for me and my daughter.


I'm still working on my website and I am going to have a bunch of current pictures of me on there. One day those are going to be my before pictures.


Free sample of Curves Cereal from Walmart

This one probably won't last too long.
Walmart always has free samples of something so I'm just going to post the link to their free sample area w
ith my links for free stuff.


Bronwyn said...

I need one of those clippy things. That's really smart! I have SO much trouble bringing snacks to my job.

Anonymous said...

The food clip is very cute - I definitely need to get one for my daughter (she is 11) and that means one for me too :) (I'm just a kid at heart)

Congrats on resisting temptation this weekend!